Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A pair of tablet PCs from Asus

(Eee Pad)

While Taiwanese IT vendor ASUS ( claims its pro-cloud computing philosophy has prompted it to come up with the Eee Pad and Eee Tablet slate computers, I cannot help but see something of a poetic justice at work. Please humor me by recalling with me that Steve Jobs and company have berated the netbook on several occasions.

(Eee Tablet)
Recall also that ASUS is one of the first IT vendors to come up with bestselling netbooks. In fact, for quite a while there, netbook has become synonymous with ASUS computer.

Fast forward to today. Back up a month or two. Apple redefines the tablet PC by launching the iPad. One of Apple's objectives in launching the tablet PC is making the netbook redundant.

Indeed, what goes around, comes around.

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