Saturday, June 26, 2010

Seven Windows 7 per second

Brandon LeBlanc, Microsoft's in-house Windows blogger, in one of his recent posts, disclosed that his employer has sold 150 million Windows 7 licenses. And while Apple made some noise with its iPhone 4 and iPad sales announcements, including selling 3 iPads per second, Microsoft clearly stole some thunder with its "seven Windows 7 per second" announcement.
Many industry analysts and market research firms have reported that Windows 7, Microsoft's latest operating system, is responsible for much of the recovery that the PC market is currently enjoying. After almost two years of sharply declining sales, PC vendors are seeing resurgence in sales of their PCs, notebooks, and netbooks.

And with businesses readying to update their IT infrastructure and assets after making the most of their life cycles, market observers agree that sales of Windows 7 are likely to remain brisk.

What it means for us "ordinary" computer users? It means that for the foreseeable future, Windows will remain the most popular and widely used operating system. Using a computer, for most of us, will remain synonymous with using a Windows-running computer.

Despite what some industry analysts and "prophets" have been saying, the PC (including laptops, notebooks, and netbooks) will remain our main means of doing our spreadsheets, word processing jobs, and business presentations -- not the iPad, or any slate computer, or smartphones.

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