Monday, June 7, 2010

Jobs has something against bloggers?

Please feel free to kick my behind if I was guilty of taking Apple CEO Steve Jobs' declaration, "I don't want to see us descend into a nation of bloggers," out of context. If I did, maybe because it was not the hardest thing to do. Anyway, here is a link to Jobs' interview with the Wall Street Journal.

Jobs and his company have had a long love-hate relationship with bloggers. Some observers allege that Apple finds it convenient to "leak" news and internal memos (as rumors) to some Apple-watching bloggers to generate interest and buzz about soon-to-be-released products or services.

Conflicts between Apple and bloggers arise, however, from the company's obsessive secrecy efforts as far as its product development is concerned. Case in point: the so-called iPhone 4G left behind by an Apple engineer at a California bar.

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