Friday, April 2, 2010

iPad mania hits U.S. media

American media outlets were all agog over the iPad, the tablet PC from Apple. Some media commentators who were deemed worthy by the Cupertino company to receive an advanced copy of the tablet PC were obviously smitten with what they now dub as the latest bestselling device from Apple.

Journalists -- both of the IT and general-interest varieties -- were unanimous in declaring their affection for the iPad. Describing these otherwise level-headed people as like children who had received their Christmas presents earlier in the year than they were used to would not be too far off the mark.

It is either because the iPad was indeed truly cool or these journalist were willing victims of Steve Jobs' hypnotic marketing tricks. While this corner leans on the former, it doesn't totally discount the latter. I believe these journalists and their colleagues should and could have had retained a little bit more semblance of being free from bias. As things now stand, they could be mistaken for Apple's paid promoters and hacks.

But what the heck. The iPad, judging from these journalists' and some consumers' early prognosis and comments, is bound for superstardom in the IT world and beyond. Let the infatuation levels subside a little bit; then after a few months, let us check once again.

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