Thursday, May 10, 2012

Much ado over a hoodie

Recently, Bloomberg ran a story about an investment analyst not cool with Zuckerberg's hoodie

“Mark and his signature hoodie: He’s actually showing investors he doesn’t care that much; he’s going to be him,” Pachter said in an interview on Bloomberg TV. “I think that’s a mark of immaturity. I think that he has to realize he’s bringing investors in as a new constituency right now, and I think he’s got to show them the respect that they deserve because he’s asking them for their money," said Michael Pachter, an analyst for Wedbush Securities.

Pachter is clearly not a fan of hoodie-wearing tech entrepreneurs, or perhaps, of all company founders who never wear a suit and a tie when meeting with potential investors.

His sartorial tastes notwithstanding, Pachter seems mistaken about one thing, most of all: Zuckerberg is not asking for the investors' money. It is the other way around. The investors are asking, in fact, begging, to be allowed to put their money where they believe more than 100 percent they are going to earn plenty more.

This corner says: Keep the hoodie, Mr. Z!

'via Blog this'

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