Sunday, May 13, 2012

Apple Insider's take on Siri's choice for the best smartphone ever

Much have been written about Siri reportedly choosing the Lumia 900 over the iPhone as the best smartphone ever. I guess, it's about time we look at how the quintessential fanboi source, Apple Insider, views the whole thing.
Siri said Nokia's Lumia 900 is the best smartphone ever. Maybe she needs to drink more kool aid.

The story itself is fair and level headed. Comments posted by fan, er, readers are something else, however. A couple or so even threatened to stop visiting the site for Apple Insider having the "gall" to publish such a blasphemous story.

I guess, owning an iPhone doesn't really add that much to one's IQ or reading comprehension. To be fair, however, owning a smartphone, in general, doesn't have that effect on most users.

'via Blog this'

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